Monday, March 21, 2011


Hyacinth's Way (6)


Along the line of the creek, the wind has started blasting about,
What a fierce storm with waves rolling over!
With one wave after another coming in and out;
Miss Beda, with all the water, billowing about her
In the raging storm, winds and water,
She's going to fear for sure.

Along the line of the creek, a torrent of rains has started,
Lighting flashed, and thunder crashed
As if the rain warrior king in a fit has darted;
Unseeing the creek, Miss Beda,
For the outburst of rains has it covered,
In the raging storm, winds and water,
She's going to fear for sure.

Never fearing, never recoiling, never trembling,
The rain, wind and water, not a bit do they bother
Has always been rising up, always downcreek ebbing,
The trips hither, countless in number,
Had always braved this creek, the bunch of Beda.

(University of Rangoon Annual Magazine, 1957-1959)

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